Aromatherapy Inhalers


Have you ever noticed how much you enjoy the aroma when walking through a flower garden or inhaling fresh rosemary or lilacs, etc.  and how they make you “feel”?

With aromatherapy inhalers, you have your very own “garden of health” to lift your spirits, protect your immune system, give you energy, relax your nervous system, and many more benefits depending on what you are inhaling. For example, Lavender can help ease stress, headaches, boost the immune system, relax you, hold your heart when it’s hurting…but, when you blend it with Peppermint you will have focus, or blend with Tea Tree for your immune system, and then you can blend with Juniper Berry to get relief from muscle/joint pain…just to name a few!

As a Certified Clinical Master Aromatherapist I have put together the following blend in an inhaler so that you can choose the one YOU need, and it’s easy to take with you, no one else will become affected with the aroma…it’s your personal “garden of health”.

Inhalers are simple to use:

Just unscrew the cap and inhale from the tube; counting slowly as you inhale, 1,2,3,4,5. You use the tube on one side of your nostril (holding the other side shut) and visa versa! Use both sides of your nostril…don’t play favorites 😊 When you inhale the oil molecules will get immediately absorbed into your bloodstream and directed to the specific organs of the body that need attention.

The following inhalers I offer are listed below.

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Additional information


My inhalers are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. My products contain essential oils which have been deemed safe for use. However, any person can have a reaction to these ingredients, so PLEASE read the ingredients to determine if any particular one is not for you. Check with your health care professional for guidance on your particular needs.


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