Today we will learn from the b.YOU.ty full Indian women on how they nourish their lovely skin and you may find a takeaway for YOU! Let’s do this:

?Indian women pay attention to BOTH what they put On their skin along with what they put IN their bodies, and SLEEP plays into their beauty routine.

?Their approach is rooted in AYURVEDA … this is a system of medicine used by people in India for thousands of years. With this approach the mind and body are strongly connected. The emphasis is on LIFESTYLE habit and NATURAL remedies to promote overall good health along with treating illness.

?The Indian beauty rituals…don’t you love how they make their beauty routine into a ritual…like, it’s a vital necessity for their overall health…something to be considered. Getting back to their rituals, they will use raw, organic materials common in their kitchens, i.e. coconut oil, neem oil, turmeric…to name a few.

?Of interest is that the color of their skin will vary within the region. Their skin is thicker than that of other regions in the world. It is more prone to tanning and less prone to burning, but sunscreen is still a daily ritual of use for them. Pigmentation like melasma, periorbital melanosis (under eye circles) and periorial melanosis (pigmentation around the mouth) are the most common skin challenges for Indian skin tone.

?Even though their own unique rituals will differ by region, there are notable similarities of some natural ingredients used commonly…like Tumeric! Tumeric is anti-inflammatory and beneficial for both digestion and skin health. It supports evening out skin tone with hyperpigmentation, reducing scars and breakouts. In a traditional Indian wedding, the bride will use a paste with tumeric as the main ingredient for a facial mask to brighten her complexion before her wedding day !!!

?Another beautiful (& popular) natural ingredient is Rose or Rose Water! A mixture of rose water and Sandalwood are used once a week. The Rose water is also used in hand creams and at-home peidicures. Other notable ingredients are licorice root, saffron, ashwagandha, and manjistha (they say this is the best for dark under eye circles).

?Hair Oils are at the TOP of their beauty ritual! They being teaching their daughters at a very young age to care for their hair. Some “go to” ingredients are alma, hibiscus, and coconut. If they want to dye their hair, it’s henna to the rescue.

?Also of interest is how Indian women would make their eye make up! They would dip a cotton ball into ghee and light it just enough to create a flame. Then, they would cover the flame m=with a metal tin, causing soot to develop…that soot became their eyeliner!!!

THIS is just the TIP of a beautiful ritual making our Indian sisters GORGEOUS! Learning more about their unique culture just might be a beautiful inspiration for yours.

Have a lovely day beautiful ones,
Hugs, Love, & Patchouli ~~kymberly~~❣️